Wednesday, July 21, 2010

May 13 1976 thru June 29 1976

The Dike
On our bikesIn a Windmill
The bike is a little hard on clothes
John Neff, Kim Holscher "Peter Str. "
The Langer Familie

Beautiful Helgoland
Elder Ekenstram and I on beach in Helgoland

The Wilhelmshaven Football team Elders Julander, Jewell, Ekenstram, Rogers

May 13, 1976

Well today we took Elders Cline and Julander down to the train station bright and early. Then after a good companion study, Elder Julander and I went through Revelations from 4-17, we went down to the Bahnhof and were ready for the 11:02 train. At 11:02 an Elder Robert Ekenstam stepped off the train. I was excited. He is shorter than me. Dark hair, 19, comes from Salt Lake. A great Elder. We hit it off from the first second. After picking up Elder Jewell at 12:00 we came home again and got things all in order. After a good lunch it was out on the work. We had a great evening. We taught Busenga’s, Schopps’s and Hoffman’s. A great experience for Elder Ekenstam. It was so special at Frau Busenga’s. She told us she had an answer to her prayers that these things are true. I was really impressed. She has a testimony. The Spirit was really strong there tonight. We kneeled before we left. My companion was really impressed. We need to get Hen Busenga coming along now. I was touched, anyway. A great day.

May 14, 1976

Well today was Preparation Day. I made a feeble attempt to try and express my feelings in some letters home, but it certainly didn’t work very good. It sure is hard to make words express how you feel. My companion and I are like a team. He is so good. A very humble, dedicated Elder, and also a laugh a minute. We have a great time. We taught another great family tonight. Koseckys. He is an auslander from Czechoslovakia. It was a good discussion though. I was real proud of Bro. Ekenstam. He gave his first C-1 tonight. He’s been out 6 months and just hasn’t had the chance he should have been getting to teach the discussions. He has a lot of trouble, but it will come. I really love him and enjoy working with him. We are doing a great job, I feel and I know the Lord will bless us.

May 15, 1976

Today was a great day. We worked hard all day looking up ZK’s and just visiting contacts. We talked with Herr Eldlinjer and invited him to church. I hope he comes. He is a good guy.

We went out to meet Hen Fey on the Deich but he wasn’t there. It was a good ride though. He is a good guy but has no time, we need to get a hold of him again, though. We enjoyed the ride on the Deich, though. It opened today, (the beach) and a lot of people were there.

We did a little tracting there in Nordeneysth today. The very last door of our first Engang we met the Thomas family. Holger Thomas (19) was just chosen there in Berlin as the Teenager of Germany. Neat huh. His mother was some proud of him. She told us the whole story. A good ZK for us.

Tonight we had a very special experience. We had an appointment with Schopps. When we got there they were having Abendbrot so we sat down with them like we usually do He was tired and in a very bad mood. I was wondering. He yelled at the kids and it was a bad scene. After a bath and a change of rooms it went better though.

We gave them an F discussion. It was hard for them to understand but they realized most of it. Then we gave them the G. A baptismal challenge. Herr Schopp realized the need an accepted for the 29th of May. His wife did also. It was a very beautiful experience but they don’t realize what it means. I love them so much, I just want them to realize this goal. We set a date for a baptism this month and I decided to go with this date because I know the Lord will bless us as we exercise our faith. The Schopps still have to have the H and I and J and have a long way to go; we bite of a big bite but I know if our Faith is strong enough and they are honest and sincere the Lord will bless them. They are coming to church tomorrow. I pray for them.

May 16, 1976

We had a very special day today. It was Sunday, E. Ekenstam’s first WHV. We had a good meeting. Frau Fromm was there and all the members were really pleased to see her. I wish now she could come along and get a testimony. She will be a great member.

This afternoon we had a beautiful companion inventory. The first time for Elder Eky. He really has a great Spirit and I appreciate very much the opportunity I have to work with him. I am only his second companion although he has been here 6 months. His last companion was a good Elder but they just didn’t get over a lot of things properly. He will enjoy it here and I am going to do everything I can to help him and see that he does just that.

I was suppose to give a talk but we had the District President and a recently returned Missionary talk to us. It was okay but not great.

Schopp’s day hasn’t come yet. They weren’t in church anyway. That is discouraging. I don’t know what happened but I felt down about it. After church we did some call-backs. We went by but no one answered the door. I think it was just to late. I hope.

My companion and I went out on the Deich before we came home, and had a very good talk. The problem is mainly I get too emotionally involved in these things. Its hard to see these people you love, get weak or go bad. He told me just to not worry so hard about it. It was good advice and I guess its very important. I know it is. Just to relax, be happy, and let the Lord take over the worrying process. It is his work, and if I strive to serve him and keep his commandments he will bless us. He will bless our investigators. I love this work, and just like everything I try to give it my all. I need to exercise more faith and be a strong, testifying, and happy Missionary and let the Lord guide me in bringing in his children. Eky and I had a good talk. He’s so cool. I really love and appreciate him. A great blessing for me!

May 23, 1976

Well its been a whole week since I have written in my Diary. I have really been doing a lot and not really taken the time I should have to write. It happens a lot that I get a few days behind but then I do it as if it were still the same day. I decided this week to do it better or right anyway. I’ll have to write all the experiences for one week here but it was so so not a very good week.

I had a real hard week in many ways but a good week in others. First of all a report of Schopps. We went by every day except Mon. this week, and still couldn’t teach them. Thursday was suppose to be our good night but Sommers came over and we couldn’t teach them. It was pretty discouraging. They are a great family, but certainly didn’t make any progress this week. I don’t know what to do. I know we’ve got to challenge them upward and push and love them along.

I’m writing something on your BEST page tough – you’re here to suffer! Tschip

(Elder Jewel just wrote something)

As I think about this family I think what Hershall Pederson said, “You’ve got to love them an awful lot or they’ll hate you for giving them bread”, or in other words we have to love them or they’ll hate us for trying to save them. All my work, needs to be better. We want to help him.

Mitzie also sent me a tape and some slides this week. It was great. She is so great. I really love her. She said in her tape that with only 11 months left she is not all that unsure. I don’t know what to think about that. I’ll write more on this later.

We traveled to Oldenburg this morning for District Conference. It was great. I saw Elder Blackham, probably for the last time. It was a good today. I gave a talk in Church which also wasn’t bad. The Lord has blessed me.

May 24, 1976

Today went pretty fast. We had the usually tough session with Sister Kaiser and Roland. He has trouble with his Math so we go over and help him. His problem is he loves to play ball more than study. (A familiar story.) She has a hard time with him, so I tried to help a little.

I am catching a new vision of how much better we can do. I really don’t feel very good about the quality of our work sometimes. I also feel that I can help my companion out a lit. He is a good Elder, and I really enjoy working with him. The Lord has blessed me.

May 25, 1976

Today I was Austausched with Elder Jewel. He is a very fine Elder. We had a good day. It didn’t seem like we got much done but it was a fine day. I really look up to Elder Jewel. He is 2 months younger then me but is every way my equal. A very good Elder. I really enjoy working with him and getting to know him. Another great friend.

Last week I had a pretty down week as far as a lot of things go. This week has been pretty good so far. I have gotten up in good time and worked hard. Everything is falling into place for me. It feels good when things start to come.

The Missionary work is funny kind of work sometimes. Some Elders can play around and still see lots of success. Others can work real hard and just do everything right and have a hard time. I don’t know what it is. I feel that I could do better in a lot of areas, like say learning my discussions better, and then I’ll be blessed. I just want to be a tool in the Lords hands so bad. I get so involved and yet with all my efforts I still haven’t seen tangible success. I need to pray harder and get closer to the Lord, because I know he wants to bless me. I love him and the work and he’ll bless me.

May 26, 1976

Today it was Elder Julander that I worked with. We had a good day. We taught Kim an F discussion at the Church. It was a great discussion. It was a little long but she understood it. It was a great experience. I really want Kim to some along, learn these things in the Church and receive an answer to her prayers that these things are true. I know the Lord wants to bless her and I would like more than anything else to see her baptized. She is a sweet Spirit.

May 27, 1976

Today is commonly known as Christi Himmelfadht. Or Fathers day here for the Germans. We did something really great. We went with John and Kim to Helgoland. That was quite an experience. We left at 7:30 and rode our bikes down to Standhelle. There we boarded the “Wilhelmahaven” a big, white, passenger Torn ship. It was 70 meters long and had several decks. It was really neat. I was really impressed by the power it had. Big diesel engines. It could really clip. We sailed to Helgoland in exactly 3 hours. It was a little rainy and a little windy on the way up but the rest of the day was perfect. We had about 4 ½ hours to just mess around the Island. Its not very big and we walked the whole Island. It has big red cliffs and a couple of pretty neat beaches. It was great. They sell alcohol and cigarettes, cheese, butter and all kinds of things there, tax free. Everyone goes there to buy booze and smokes. We bought some cheese, cheap. It was great. On the return trip I was sitting on the fore deck and Kim set down to so we had a big long talk. I really think a lot of her. She needs to understand things better though – how to pray, what it means, testimony, etc. She’ll make it. We had a great day. A real live Ocean Cruise. What a day for me. It was great.

May 28, 1976

Today was preparation day. We have had a fast week. We played Soccer with the kids. It was fun. I got some good letter writing done today but that was about all.

Tonight we went to Langers. We made Pizza and had a good evening with them as Home Teachers. It was great. They are such a special family. Its so hard for them to live here in a hard Branch like this. I want so bad to help them and the Branch and the Lord by being a tool in his hands for bringing in a family here. That is the desire of my heart. I love these people and I hope and pray to be a humble, dedicated servant of the Lord to bring these people to repentance and Baptism. I strive for that means. I pray for the Lords blessing.

May 29, 1976

Last night was Graduation; and – Mitzie called me this morning!! We were up a little late because of Langers and I wasn’t up at 6:00 when she called. Boy was I surprised. She had apparently received the tape I had sent last week and wanted to call me. She had been too busy and hadn’t written but anyway she called. It was neat. I surely wasn’t ready for it though. We had a good talk and it felt good just to hear her voice. She is a real support to me. I really enjoyed the few moments we had together. I love her.

The rest of the day went pretty good, except for a 3 hour Volleyball period in which we just blew good Saturday afternoon time. We started fasting for Kim after lunch. We will continue until tomorrow after lunch. A full 24 hours in her behalf. I want so bad to help her. We visited Schopps tonight. We had a good talk and then invited them out to church. I hope they will come, but Herr Schopp just doesn’t’ want it bad enough.

May 30, 1976

Today was a very good day. We spent the whole afternoon with lunch, District Meeting, and then just shooting the breeze about the Scriptures. You know, I am real funny sometimes. If I think about planning out a good Sunday Afternoon for study or diary writing I feel guilty for not going on the work. On the other hand if I just mess around with the rest of the Elders (all of us are guilty) then I would have been better off to see my time planned study. We really did some good deep thinking though this afternoon and I felt good about the time being spent.

After a day of good thinking I find it hard to place all my thoughts in some kind of order. I was thinking about studying the Scriptures and how it would be a lifelong task. I look forward to that. I especially look forward to deep study and asking the Lord for intelligence and his help in understanding and comprehending the scriptures. Another thing we talked about was marriage and other related subjects. One thought that really struck me. What if when I get married we can’t have kids and its my fault? I have thought about it before when we couldn’t have kids so to say but ever in the light of my inability to bear seed then let her fill her creation as a Mother. It was interesting and good food for thought. I hope and pray that the Lord blesses me and my little love that we can have kids and lots of them to fulfill our creation. To me that is the most beautiful blessing we can have here on earth. I am tender in these areas because I already feel these things these feelings with Mitzie.

I decided again how little time we as Missionaries have and again rededicated myself, especially in the mysterious subjects to stay closer, to the faith and works of Missionary Work. I need to make Missionary experience happen while I’m here and later the knowledge of everything can come.

May 31, 1976

Today was a good day. We were up early and had everything all planned out and did a good job with our studying and everything. It felt good. Days like that come too far apart. Usually it’s a big mess and nothing ever gets done. I want to really work like this the rest of the week.

We dropped in on Kim today. Very unexpectedly. She was happy to see us but only had a few minutes. We had a short talk with her in her room about general things and then we bore our testimonies to her. It was very special. She was really troubled. E then knelt in prayer with her. It was a very good experience. The Spirit was really poured out upon us. Kim felt it and she realizes so much now that she never could before. A testimony is slowly being gained and the wheels of conversion are beginning to turn a little faster. I know she will be a great help to the Gemeinde here. I really think a lot of Kim and hope and pray with all my heart that she can realize these blessings and accept them in her life. The Lord will bless her.

June 1, 1976

This was a great learning experience for me today as we gave a Vortag in English to a School Class. It was really different. The kids were 17-18 and their minds were quite a way from us. The whole front row was girls. Wow what a difference in them and the kids you would see at home. Levis, army coats, braless, and make-up an inch thick. There was not one good-looking one there. Most thought they were but it was bad. After the presentation a few kids came up to us and asked questions but it was not very well understood I don’t think. It was a good experience for us. We also taught our Rebmann guy and his Freundin. They’re nice but unbelieving.

June 3, 1976

We have been having a pretty tough week. Yesterday we had to go back to the school for our second demonstration. We wanted to go this morning but they pushed it up on us. We went by Busengas this morning. We had a good talk about prayer but couldn’t get the discussion we wanted to. He is pretty indifferent. I wish we could reach him somehow. She already has a testimony but he needs to come along better. We have scheduled an F discussion next week. That will be good.

We also met with Herr Elchlinger today. He has a hard time with the Lord Jesus Christ. I think we will go teach him and I next time. He showed us some books he made by hand and also a novel he wrote and some poetry of his. I really like him. As I grow older I want to develop my creative talent. The ability to express one self is purely something desirable.

June 4, 1976

Today was Preparation Day. We played football in the Park. It was really great. Kim and all her gang of girls came by and watched us for a few minutes. We wanted to talk to her but she had all of her friends so she couldn’t. At 4:30 she came over and we played her john Staley’s tape. It was really neat. We wanted to say a prayer but somehow she got out before we could. It was just one of those things. She was touched by the tape and I really felt good about it.

We also taught Kosecky and Karlisch in Pychelle. We had a great time by Koseckies. They are great. We are really happy to have them. They are X-JW investigators. We finally told Karbrish in Pychelle that it had been fine and all but unless they can find it in themselves to read the Book of Mormon and all it was no use pushing. Sometime, maybe they’ll come.

June 6, 1976

This morning in Sunday School and Fast and Testimony Meeting was one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had. It was like a storm. A beautiful storm. After Priesthood I commented to Elder Ekenstam that I didn’t want to go downstairs until I had put on my mantel of “the Missionary with Investigators in Church.” A few calm minutes of inner peace and then I went. First I met and talked to Fran Fromm, then the Schoop family came. I was so tickled. Frau Schopp and her 4 children. Those kids are hard to handle but we made it through Sunday School and the Fast Meeting. Frau Schopp felt like they made too much noise but I comforted her and told her that they were great which is true. It was a deep feeling I had as I sat in the Chapel with Claudia on my lap. It was really a tender scene as we keep those kids quiet. I can’t wait to bring my own little ones to Church. I love the Schopp family. After they had gone Sister Curs came up to me. I had a good talk with her. She explained how she thought the kids were very ill-bred. I told her it was surely hard for them but that it was also the 2nd time in their lives visiting Church. A funny thing happened. Sister Curs agreed with me because of her Faith in me. I was touched because I know how opinionated she is. I had won her over. Sister Kaiser also talked to me shortly about a problem, a communication problem she had with the other Elders, to see if I could help. Sister Muller told me that she was made happier every time she saw me. Brother Drews also thanked me. By the time I left I was so full of emotions I couldn’t put it all straight. I just realize how good of a relationship I have with these members and how much I love them. This morning I felt the same as I did as I completed a Service Project or something. A feeling of accomplishment. A feeling of joy, and satisfaction upon being part of the beautiful kingdom of God on earth. It came fast and hard, a storm, but a very beautiful experience for me.

Elder Ekenstam and I had a very special experience today in Companion Interview. I really feel close to him and really love him. He has a real hard time with a lot of things but I really appreciate him for all his efforts and his good work. I told him today about Bro. Southam, and his faith. As we bore our testimonies to each other the Spirit was really there. I really feel close to Elder Ekenstam. It was special.

At this time in my life I realize how fast things go by. I will have been in Germany one month in 20 days, days that will pass by like hours used to. I don’t expect to be here in Wilhelmahaven too much longer. There are a lot of big transfers coming up this month and I really doubt I’ll make it the month. Last night we rode home on the dike. The Sun was setting over my Legend and the scene was very beautiful. A little sad but very beautiful. It was suspended for a long time and it was big and high in the Northwest. I was very touched. I love this town. I have really grown the last 4 months. Before I leave Wilhelmahaven I want with all my heart to baptize someone. Kim is probably right now best in a position for that. She is a very special Spirit and I know the Lord will bless us. I think about the faith that someone needs to move a mountain or the Faith one needs to touch someone and give them the Spiritual experience they need to repent and be baptized, and I realize that the power is in our hands. Prayer is the key. The prayer of faith. I want to be a tool in the Lords hands. Sometimes I wonder why I haven’t been able to fulfill my purpose yet. I am bending all my efforts, and I am doing it often because I know it must be done for the right reason. I guess if I keep working hard it will happen, this is just my trial of faith. I ask the Lord humbly for his help. I want to be a tool in his hands to bring someone into the Gospel, before I leave.

June 7, 1976

Another long day. It was real hot today. My companion was really put under by the heat. We were really tired. We had a good talk with Kim. We tried to get a few feelings out. She opened up a little bit. We tried to point out the important points. It was a rough discussion in the area of getting any results. We committed her to reading and praying better than she did, or has done. She says she will. I find it hard, very hard, sometimes to reach her. She reminds me of Mitzie, at first she would not open up. The circumstances are completely different but the idea is the same. We need to Testify to Kim and touch her enough that she will open up to us, trust us with her feelings about the Church and all. If she trusts us enough she will believe us better when we tell her its true. The Spirit is what we need to give her. Teach her how to feel it. She is a good kid.

June 8, 1976

If I wrote that everything was alright it wouldn’t be true. This morning I woke up after a restless night of sleep with what I believe to be an answer to my prayer about Kim. I asked the Lord to bless me in a dream as to what to do and I believe he did. He told me in or through this dream that we should start visiting her everyday. (I think.) I really know it was inspiration but it’s a fine line. All other things went wrong today. Our only ternin fell out. I am a little discouraged with a few areas. My companion is really down for some reason. Not really down but he can’t get into the work. My feelings have also been confused and slightly discouraged lately. Its been a tough couple of days. The lord knows that and wants to bless me and outwardly I don’t show much.

June 14, 1976

It has been almost a week since I have written. We have been so busy I just haven’t taken the time to write. At last I am going to take a little time to write.

Let me go through an order of events that happened this week. First of all I guess I should tell or explain about a little experience we had last week on the doors. We were working in an old run down building in an Gegend about 11:00 I knocked on this door. A dog bark but nothing else happened so we went farther. Finally the door started to open and we came back to it. The door opened and there stood a lady in a bathrobe which was open. She had a pair of undies on lower deck but her upper deck was free to the world. She was burned out. She looked like a witch. It was a bad scene. It shocked me and I kind of jumped back. She shut the door and for about 2 minutes just stood there, I guess doing up her robe, because she opened it again and it was done. She looked terrible and as soon as I told her we were from the Church she told us to cease and slammed the door. I was glad to leave. That was a real bad feeling just being there. She was so ugly so burnt out, must have had a big party – suffering from a hangover. It was bad.

The rest of the week went pretty good. We had a good Film Abend. WE had some good families. The evening was a good success. I felt real good about it. I had the lead and my German was tough. It had a hard time coming. I need more experiences.

I gave a talk in Church Sunday. On Service, and especially service with enthusiasm. I felt real good about it. My German was better and I gave a few good examples. It went over pretty good. I know the best weay to give a talk is using stories. That’s what I did. I went well.

Today we took a tour of Einfahrt 4, the Navy base here in Wilhelmshaven. We met a guy in our Gegend, and he took us all over. We went aboard a Mine Sweeper (made out of wood) and a supply ship. It was really neat. He is great.

June 15, 1976

I find it very hard to express myself. Sometimes I find it very hard to even know how I feel. I want to learn to write poetry and pros because I really appreciate the art of expression that comes through written verse. I appreciate literature more everyday and I am fascinated by well written poetry and verse. I feel it so hard to express myself even in this sort of a Diary. One of my goals in life is to write and specifically pinpoint some of my feelings. I love to read and read and I want to work harder in developing this ability. Knowledge is here to be had, and I search after it all I can, and want to be able to my whole life through.

This a special day for me. Yesterday evening after much thought and contemplation I found out that I wasn’t going to be transferred this week. Up until then I had figured I was a goner. I figured that the Lord was going to call me somewhere else. I guess I was planning on it and consequently getting ready. Well it didn’t come. After sitting myself down I realized a lot of things. I was really mixed up. Last night I took all my burdens, cares and mixed up feelings to the Lord. I had a very special feeling. As soon as my prayer commenced the Spirit came. After praying I began realizing that most important my work here is not complete yet. It’s the only thing I am called to do, baptize people that is and how can I leave WHV after 4 months of hard work without fulfilling my purpose. I know now after last nights experience that the Lord is giving me a little more time here to do just that. Those are my feelings and I have faith in the Lord that he will help us reach this goal. Today Elder Ekenstam and I came together and had a very good companion interview. We set us a goal to have that Baptism July 3.

June 15, 1976

I find it very hard to express myself. Sometimes I find it very hard to even know how I feel. I want to learn to write poetry and pros because I really appreciate the art of expression that comes through written verse. I appreciate literature more everyday and I am fascinated by well written poetry and verse. I feel it so hard to express myself even in this sort of a Diary. One of my goals in life is to write and specifically pinpoint some of my feelings. I love to read and read and I want to work harder in developing this ability. Knowledge is here to be had, and I search after it all I can, and want to be able to my whole life through.

This a special day for me. Yesterday evening after much thought and contemplation I found out that I wasn’t going to be transferred this week. Up until then I had figured I was a goner. I figured that the Lord was going to call me somewhere else. I guess I was planning on it and consequently getting ready. Well it didn’t come. After sitting myself down I realized a lot of things. I was really mixed up. Last night I took all my burdens, cares and mixed up feelings to the Lord. I had a very special feeling. As soon as my prayer commenced the Spirit came. After praying I began realizing that most important my work here is not complete yet. It’s the only thing I am called to do, baptize people that is and how can I leave WHV after 4 months of hard work without fulfilling my purpose. I know now after last nights experience that the Lord is giving me a little more time here to do just that. Those are my feelings and I have faith in the Lord that he will help us reach this goal. Today Elder Ekenstam and I came together and had a very good companion interview. We set us a goal to have that Baptism July 3.

I have set this goal before and I know what happened. The Schopp Family was committed to a date because of our efforts. I think maybe if we would have show more faith in our goal would have been reached but it could have been their fault. I don’t know but I do know that this goal we set we will reach. I feel in my heart that the time is right. I want with all my heart to reach this goal. I know the Lord will bless us. This is going to be a good exercise in faith.

We are fasting to show our desire as we set this goal. WE are also going to pray in the mornings as a companionship to reach these goals and have a better relationship and the Spirit with us.

I know the Lord will bless us according to the righteous desires of our hearts. I have faith and he will bless us.

June 16, 1976

A great day today. We went to Voslapp tonight to meet our family West. She fixed us Abendbrot and we had a real good evening with them. We showed “Mans search for Happiness”. They really liked it but just couldn’t understand or believe it. A great family but they just have a hard time believing. We had a good talk with them – challenged them hard to keep reading and working to try to believe, bore a strong testimony, and left. I really feel that someday they will come along and believe these things.

My companion, Elder Ekenstam, had a hard time bearing his testimony tonight. He is a real deep thinker and a good Missionary but he feels he needs to feel right to bear his testimony. We have got to be able to bear our testimonies at the drop of a hat. He has fears, and needs to work in this area. I pray that the Lord will bless him.

June 18, 1976

Today was again Preparation Day. They come so fast it seems like days instead of weeks. This morning we had quite an experience. We gave a School Vortray at Kim’s school. She goes to a Catholic school; an all girl school. We showed the film “Meet the Mormons”. It was a very special experience for those girls. We got their permission and thus were able to pray Elder Julander called on me and I said the opening prayer. The girls being from ages 16-19 were quite impressed by that. We answered questions after the film. It was a very profitable experience. Elder Julander led it but at the end I also got up and helped him answer questions. It was good experience for me as there were about 100-200 Students there. My knees were shaking a little but I wasn’t worried really. Every time they asked a question my mind was suddenly clear and the answer was clear. My German wasn’t good but also not bad. It was a learning experience.

Tonight we had a very special experience with the Schopps. We showed “Eins”. They haven’t met with us for a good time. In a good discussion anyway. Afterward, we left them the simple message, that they are also children of God. And that he loves them and wants them to come to him. I told them that the Lord loved them for the progress they had made. We recollected how it was the first time we had met. The feelings they had and all the things our message has brought into their lives. We had a good little talk.

We closed with prayer. A kneeling prayer. Sister Schopp had tears in her eyes as we left. I love them so much. I want them to accept our message. What can I do? How can I reach them? I pray to the Lord to bless us. He kneels and I want to see his spirit kneel. Help us Lord. How strong is my faith?

June 19, 1976

Today was quite an experience. We have been planning for a couple of weeks now a Dorf Crash. That means we pick out some Dorf and travel to it and spend the whole day there. Well, everything was set and we had picked out Sillenstade. About 8:30 the telephone rang. Elder Julander called me to the phone. My Dad was on the phone calling from Holland. It just about knocked me over. He wanted to see me and we tried to make plans. It either had to be today or next weekend. Finally after working things out on his end he called me back and decided it would be better next weekend. So I guess he’s coming next week.

Well that just about shot our Dorf Crash. The other Elders just sat around amazed as I was while he worked on his plans. (There was about 45 minutes in between calls.)

We were talking over whether the Lord didn’t’ want us to go or what and I had already had a great prayer and was really ready for this kind of thing. Then we looked out and it was raining and I said lets go! The odds are so set against us there has got to be a reason why we’ve got to go. So we went. What a special day. We spent all tracting in the rain. It was a very nice little town and we spent the whole day going door to door. We sold five books of Mormon and taught 2 discussions. I expect to have some people call or visit us as a result of our efforts. Here’s a list of our success.

Hem Janssen – Gave him C-discussion-bought BM. Beautiful family- “Golden” hem and Fran ( ) – Talked about BM – bought one. Computer programmer – lived in Japn. Gave us tea and kiken. Met a farmer type of guy. Nen Apostolisch. Sold BM. Reminded me of Samuel Smith. Former I. Felt like S.S. Sold BM to man – lived in New York. Worked for Mobile Oil. Also sold BM to lady. Works at Max Planc. We also met a Fran Oltmaans. Just loved us. Beautiful family, 6 kids. Said she’d read our pamphlets and come to Sunday School. Golden. As we left the whole family waved good-bye. Fullfilling feelings. Yes, I felt that our day was a fantastic experience with the Spirit.

Tonight, I am very tired and very happy, It feels good to be dead tired from the Lord’s work.

June 23, 1976

I had a new awakening this morning. A rebirth. I was reading Steven Covey’s book, Spiritual Roots to Human Relations. This morning I read the chapter entitled “With God: Prayer”. It blew my mind. I was once again brought to the awareness of my own limitations, weaknesses and short comings. Bro. Covey says that the Lord isn’t going to bless us with more light and truth until we are true to that which we already have. This is an important concept and for many of us I think a why the heavens seem like brass over our heads. I ask the Lord to bless me to have a baptism, and deep down inside I know my discussions are lousy. How can I ask him to bless me when I’m not willing to buckle down and learn and keep my discussions polished? This applies always. Every blessing is predicated on obedience to a given law- the law for that blessing. So many times we ask and deep down – if we would take a minute to ask ourselves, deep down we feel our conscience telling us what we have to do first before we can go on asking. It was also a process of committing ourselves, being true to those commitments, receiving the help of the Lord, and most important building a trust between the Lord and ourselves. It’s beautiful! Line upon line, precept upon precept. I realize now how many times I have set goals and haven’t reached them. How many times I have asked for the Lords help but haven’t really done my part of the work. It’s very real to me. I don’t know, all people are different but this really strikes home to me. Some people don’t have problems and I’m sure others don’t realize the importance of this idea but to me it’s real. It takes a great deal of honesty. Being true to yourself. You, yourself know, more and better than anyone else. That’s one of the first things I learned. Being true to myself. Well now I realize a lot of things I’ve got to do now. That’s what life is all about. Realizing our weaknesses and learning to overcome them. It was good little self review I had this morning. I know the Lord will bless me.

June 24, 1976

Refreshing describes the last half of today. We finally had some real success. We finally met a young man who will be baptized someday, someday soon, I believe. His name is Peter Fischer. He is 17 and already a concert Pianist. A group called “Motion” is his occupation right now. He is also an assistant on an Ambulance. He wants to go to Muenchen and study music, sometime in the future. A great kid.

We told him the Joseph Smith story and about the Book of Mormon. He had already bought a book from us when we had our School Vortag. In the front is the story from Joseph Smith which he had already read and he had indeed started to read the Book itself. He believes it. It was so neat. HE really believes these things. He has a strong believe on God and feels that he is a Missionary for God and the Bible right now. We told him about the Restoration, the Priesthood, a modern-day Prophet, and the chance that he could have someday to be a real Missionary. Peter was impressed. We challenged him to ponder and pray about these things and to receive an answer for himself. He will and the Lord will bless him, I know. It was a good refreshing experience.

Tonight we also taught Herr Bakker of Bakker Tee hier in WHV. He is a great guy. Real neat family and neat house. I was impressed. We’ll see how things go for him. It was neat though.

June 25, 1976

Today was Friday. It went by real fast. I only got 2 letters written, but I did work on a Poem I have been thinking about. We had an appointment with Fran Fromm and then tried to find a few people. We come home quite early to give my companion some time. It has been that way today. Right now I need to really work. We need to really work. I remember my Mission President in the LTM. He said things are a little rough then just work. Work, work, and more work. That was his key. I feel it tonight.

June 27, 1976

Well early this morning we received another phone call from Holland. My Dad called and said he was catching a plane in Amsterdam and would be in Bremen about 10. He was then suppose to rent a car and come about 12-ish am. It would have been a good deal but he had problems. Finally after a couple of very hard hours we get a phone call. In fact it was 4:00, wow that was a long wait. He had not been able to get his plane in Amsterdam. He had hassled the trains all the way across the flatlands. Quite an accomplishment for him.

Anyway at 6:00 he finally arrived. Elder Ekenstam and I were just getting cleaned up again when he came; we had gone to Schopps in the meantime. He was looking pretty good. We got in the car and drove out to the Minchen Haus, a restaurant in our Gegend. He bought us big dinner, Wienerschnitzel, the works. It was great. We couldn’t eat it all it was so big. German style of eating is not to bad. I like it anyway.

Afterwards we drove around Wilhelmshaven and saw all there is to see. The dike and the few things there are. We then got some gas and were on our way to Schlop Godens. I don’t know how I found the way but we made it there slicker then anything. The car was so fast and neat. You could see all the Friesland in a few hours if you had a car.

Finally after some ice-cream and another large Sprite at a Sidwalk Café we were dead tired. He took us home where he gave me some pictures of his new wife and family. He has remarried. January of this year I guess it was.

He and I had a long talk. It seems to me he has digressed in a lot of ways. His wife is non-Mormon and he does a lot of things that ain’t too good just to help her. He can’t speak much anymore about the WFW because she would have problems, etc, etc. He doesn’t even wear his garments or attend the Temple yet. I was quite sad about that. He is taking the show “by example” approach in teaching her about the Church. We talked about me coming up after my Mission and teaching them the discussions. He also talked long and hard after business and marketing. He wants to give me the opportunity to get into that kind of thing. I was really mixed up and I told him I was – but I also expressed feelings that marketing and big corporation business was probably not what I would like doing. He said he knew, but just to have the opportunity to get a look at the other side, and also get away from the Snow family – that’s what he wanted me to have. I really appreciate things but I told him I didn’t knew what I wanted and would have to do a lot of thinking. It was a good visit but I’m going to have to do a lot more thinking in this whole area. It was a hard day for me. I’m physically and emotionally drained.

June 29, 1976

Today we traveled to Bremerhaven for Zone Conference. It was a great Conference. The President told us the things he normally told Elders when they left. It was his very last Zone Conference so it was quite a special occasion. He told us a lot of good stories, how he found his wife and everything. It was quite a neat Conference. It was today that I learned about my big change. I’m going to be transferred Thursday to Hamburg. I’ll be going as District Leader to the very District where the new President and his family will go. I called the President last Saturday and he told me then that I was getting transferred to Hamburg. But I didn’t know that I was going to Alton as District Leader. It’s pretty scary. I will have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders. It will also be hard to leave WIlhelmahaven. The Schopp family and all. I really love all of them. Tonight we had so much trouble getting home. We ended up taking a Train from Blexen to Wilhelmahaven. That’s a long way. It cost us 80 DM. The Train connections were all messed up, and it was the only way home. It still was a good day though. I really need the Lords help now though.